Tuesday, 26 February 2013


Monday, 18 February 2013

Spring Break

Cropped Pants

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Sex and the city

I recently started watching Sex and the city for the 129848th time, because every time I see it, it always comes back with more. And because I think there's no woman left on the planet who hasn't seen the show, I decided to write a little bit about it (If you haven't seen it, it's a must!).
Either you go through another break up or start a new relationship, there's always a lesson to learn from the show. You always see it differently, from your current point of view- either you're broken hearted and never wanting a relationship, like Miranda, or you're in a confusing relationship, like Carrie, or maybe you've never given up on love and marriage, like Charlotte, even though your love experiences were not very happy, or you're just enjoying men, without complicating sex with a sentimental relationship, like Samantha (who else?!). Either way, you always find a situation or a character to relate to, to make you see your situation a little bit differently, objectively and getting over your grief easier. Because if there's a lesson to learn from the show, that is that friendship is the feeling you'll never lose and that you'll always have love if you have your friends with you. You may be happy in your relationship, but always keep an eye on your closest friends, because that, my friends, is a real treasure.
And remember to always be, look and feel fabulous!

PS: I recently started an internship with an online lifestyle magazine and writing articles and having a deadline makes me feel a bit Carrie :D. Which one do you feel at the moment?

Am inceput recent sa ma uit la Sex and the city pentru a mia oara, pentru ca de fiecare data cand il urmaresc vine cu ceva nou. Si cum cred ca nu mai exista nicio femeie pe planeta care sa nu fi vazut acest serial, m-am hotarat sa scriu putin despre el (daca nu l-ati vazut, trebuie sa o faceti!).
Fie ca treci printr-o noua despartire sau incepi o noua relatie, intotdeauna este o lectie de invatat din serial. De fiecare data il vezi diferit, din punctul de vedere actual- fie ti-a fost franta inima si spui ca nu mai vrei sa ai de-a face cu relatiile, ca Miranda, fie esti intr-o relatie confuza, cum este cazul lui Carrie, sau poate ca esti optimista, niciodata nu renunti la dragoste si la ideea de casatorie, ca Charlotte, chiar daca experienta ta amoroasa nu a fost una fericita, ori esti in situatia in care te bucuri de sex, fara a-l complica cu o relatie sentimentala, ca Samantha (cine altcineva?!). In orice caz, intotdeauna gasesti o situatie sau un personaj in care te regasesti, pentru a putea vedea situatia proprie putin diferit, obiectiv si pentru a trece peste acea durere mai usor. Pentru ca daca este o lectie de invatat din acest serial, aceasta este ca prietenia este sentimentul pe care nu il vei pierde niciodata si ca vei simti mereu iubirea daca ai prietenele cu tine. Poate esti fericita intr-o relatie, dar intotdeauna urmareste-ti si prietenii cei mai apropiati, pentru ca, dragele mele, acestia reprezinta o adevarata comoara.
Si tineti minte intotdeauna sa va simtiti, sa aratati si sa fiti fabuloase!

PS: Am inceput, de curand un internship pentru o revista online de lifestyle si faptul ca scriu articole si am un termen limita pentru ele ma face sa ma simt in pielea personajului Carrie :D. Voi in pielea carui personaj va simtiti in acest moment?

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Trench outfit

As I wasn't satisfied with my yesterday's outfit post I decided to do another one sooner. I was out with my bf and I wore this as it was quite cold outside (still bad weather here). Even though I had some walking to do, I couldn't wait to wear my recently bought boots so this is my first outfit including them :D.

Cum nu am fost satisfacuta cu postarea tinutei de ieri, am decis sa fac inca una mai devreme. Am iesit cu prietenul meu si am purtat aceasta tinuta, fiind destul de frig afara (inca este vreme urata aici). Desi a trebuit sa merg destul de mult pe jos, abia asteptam sa imi port botinele recent achizitionate, prin urmare acesta fiind primul outfit in care le includ :D.

I wore:

H&M Pants
Debenhams Boots
Bershka Trench
Carpisa Bag