Saturday, 9 February 2013

Trench outfit

As I wasn't satisfied with my yesterday's outfit post I decided to do another one sooner. I was out with my bf and I wore this as it was quite cold outside (still bad weather here). Even though I had some walking to do, I couldn't wait to wear my recently bought boots so this is my first outfit including them :D.

Cum nu am fost satisfacuta cu postarea tinutei de ieri, am decis sa fac inca una mai devreme. Am iesit cu prietenul meu si am purtat aceasta tinuta, fiind destul de frig afara (inca este vreme urata aici). Desi a trebuit sa merg destul de mult pe jos, abia asteptam sa imi port botinele recent achizitionate, prin urmare acesta fiind primul outfit in care le includ :D.

I wore:

H&M Pants
Debenhams Boots
Bershka Trench
Carpisa Bag


  1. Love the trench coat !! Fab !! Xx

  2. You know i love the way you dress, i've told you that so many times! Your style is AMAZING! For real! That trench, with that bag and those boots, thay match perfectly!
