Friday, 8 February 2013

First outfit post- Casual lunch

I am finally doing this, I'm posting my first outfit and I'm really nervous. I had another outfit prepared for today as I was going for lunch with my friend, but the weather wasn't my friend today so I had to think of another one. I was pretty lazy so I chose this :D. I love the parka jacket and studded boots  (actually pretty much everything studded is on my taste).
PS: I am terrible at posing so please be kind :D.

In sfarsit fac asta, postez primul meu outfit si sunt emotionata. Aveam alt outfit pregatit pentru astazi, insa vremea nu mi-a fost prietena astazi asa ca a trebuit sa ma gandesc la altul. Am fost destul de lenesa, asa ca am ales tinuta asta :D. Iubesc jacheta parka si ghetele cu tinte (de fapt, orice are tinte este pe gustul meu).
PS: Pozez teribil, deci va rog fiti ingaduitori :D.

Debenhams Parka
Carpisa Bag
Accessorize Bangles
Pull and Bear Sweater
Deichman Boots